Endelevu School Program
Endelevu School Program supports the construction of better, inclusive school infrastructure by crowd-sourcing new and second-hand building materials, innovative designs, and an empowered youth workforce. Endelevu School projects espouse the I3S (Inclusive, Safe, Secure and Sustainable) pillars of the school of the future; and entai...
Created on - 2021-10-29 06:41:38
Nyonyesha Program
This program involves establishing decent lactation facilities, called “Nyonyesha Hubs”, in public workplaces such as learning institutions, markets, courtrooms, and police stations to promote, protect and support breastfeeding in Kenya....
Created on - 2021-10-29 06:42:27
Endelevu Design Challenge
NIKO GREEN and the World Student Community for Sustainable Development (WSCSD) have developed a design competition, called “Endelevu® Design Challenge” that is aimed at engaging students and unemployed graduates...
Created on - 2021-10-29 06:44:03
Safer Roofs Program
NIKO GREEN through its Endelevu initiative, has developed the Safer Roofs Program to improve effective and safe management, removal and disposal of asbestos from public buildings. Our aim is to eliminate asbestos-related diseases in Kenya by preventing exposure to asbestos fibres in buildings. To do this, we need to deal effe...
Created on - 2021-11-23 04:51:02